I didn't see this as an inevitable progression when it comes to marijuana based businesses in Colorado, but that's why I don't own a business. A Colorado company is making a splash with a smokable clothing line. When we say it's "smokable," this isn't hemp clothing that you can light up in a pinch. vapRwear, clothing has discreet, smokable hardware build into its attire made for smoking.

There are other companies that have gotten into the business of selling "smokable" attire, like the Vermont based Hood Horkerz. However what set the Colorado based vapRwear apart from its competition, is its versatility. While other brands clothing lines only allow the used to partake in marijuana. vapRwear, allowed one to enjoy e-juice, oil, dry herb or wax, with interchangeable attachments... and honesty, I'm pretending to know what all of those things are. So you're in luck. You now know what to get that pot smoker in your life as a gift for their next life event... like the munchies.

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