Fort Collins really knows how to get into the Christmas spirit. Add a little snow and you'll be there, too. Here are 5 things you can do to bring some yuletide cheer.

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    Take a Carriage Ride

    Not every town has a cowboy with the horse hitched up to a beautiful carriage ready to take you for a ride. In northern Colorado, this amenity is available year round.

    Timing on this can be everything, because if you manage to hop into the carriage when a light snow is falling, look out. The Christmas spirit could stay with you well past the season.

    Also, don't forget that many of the carriage services that work in the downtown areas in Northern Colorado can be booked for private rides.

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    Check out the holiday lights

    Nothing says modern day Christmas more than loading the family in the old truckster and cruising around to see the light displays that people and businesses have put up.

    Check out our list of the best holiday light displays around Northern Colorado.


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    Cut your own Christmas tree

    This is a great experience. It's so fun to walk through the woods, looking and pondering what tree you might like to take home. They aren't as manicured or formed as the ones on the lots, but you can find some beautiful ones.

    Check out what our crazy tree looked like last year.

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    Shop in Old Town


    It just feels like Christmas in Old Town. Then you see the carriage rides I mentioned above. Add some snow and we are in business!

    There are so many great shops and restaurants that sell things that can only be found right here in Fort Collins, so head into Old Town sometime before the big day!

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    Be a Hipster Santa

    Hipster Santa recently made an appearance in Portland, Oregon. That place is only one of a half dozen places that could ever claim to have more hipsters than Fort Collins.

    Don't let that stop us! We need a hipster Santa!

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