Remember the three brothers who made a '90s pop hit out of an onomatopoeia? One of them just turned 30 and now all of his fan girls are having a quarter-life crisis.

Zac Hanson, the youngest member of the blonde boy band, Hanson, was the last brother to cross the threshold into the thirty-somethings on October 22, behind Taylor and Isaac.

I actually own Hanson's 1996 album, MMMbop, embarrassingly enough, and I ripped it onto my iPod. Is it also embarrassing to admit that I still use an iPod?

Shelby Taylor-Thorn/TSM
Shelby Taylor-Thorn/TSM

Happy birthday, Zac! And thanks for making the rest of us wonder at what moment we decided to just let our Giga Pets die and stopped wearing light-up sneakers. When did we become grown ups?

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