It's interesting what some people will steal out of the front yards and porches of homes in Fort Collins. However, we're all wondering why someone would steal a knight!

According to the Coloradoan, the knight shown in this photo was taken off the front porch of a home owned by Megan Glick in the 3300 block of West Vine Drive. The Glick's spotted the man who stole the knight off their porch, but by the time they were able to get back to the window the man was already on the run.

Of course, this was all caught on a security camera so here is a still photo with a pretty good image of the man in question:

Credit: Megan Glick
Credit: Megan Glick

The family is offering a $200 reward for the safe return of the knight back to their home.

Anyone with information related to the disappearance of the knight should contact the LCSO non-emergency line: 970-416-1985.

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