Would you pledge not to have sex with anyone that wears an Apple Watch?

I don't know how I came across this guy's blog today, but I applaud his efforts. I'm so tired of everyone's latest and greatest blinking, buzzing, textie-phonelike-wifi gadget. Seems like there's some new fancy, ridiculous device every freaking day.

And now, apparently, it's become too difficult to reach into your pocket anymore. There's yet another new luxury Apple item.

Soon, everyone (with too much money) will have one.

Justin Sullivan, Getty Images
Justin Sullivan, Getty Images

How can we make it stop?

We can't, of course. But we can pledge not to f*** Apple Watch wearers.

You can check out (and take!) the actual pledge on Gawker. It seems like the right thing to do.

I need to be honest though.

I'm ashamed to say... that I can't take this pledge.

Because, umm, SEX.

This is what I'll pledge instead:

I, Cain, pledge to feel a little bad about it, after f***ing the wearer of an AppleWatch.




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