I'm sorry, but if you have one of these passwords, you deserve to get hacked. We live in a digital age, and as much as companies do what they can to try to prevent their systems from getting hacked, we as individuals are not helping. Gizmodo.com, has released the top 25 passwords of 2015, and when looking at the list, there is a reason that hackers are so successful. Don't want to get hacked? Change your password regularly, don't make it similar to past passwords, use a combination of lower and upper case letters, add numbers, use special characters, and finally, don't be an idiot, and immediately chance your password if yours is listed below.

1. 123456

2. password 

3. 12345678

4. qwerty

5. 12345

6. 123456789 

7. football 

8. 1234

9. 1234567

10. baseball

11. welcome

12. 1234567890

13. abc123

14. 111111

15. 1qaz2wsx

16. dragon

17. master

18. monkey

19. letmein

20. login

21. princess

22. qwertyuiop

23. solo

24. passw0rd

25. starwars

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