I am normally not a habitual TV watcher, but I must admit over the last ten days that I have pretty much been parked in front of the set. There is just something prestigious about the Olympics. Sports you don't see on a regular basis, and athletes competing in them that have devoted at least the last 4 years, if not their whole lives, to becoming extraordinary athletes. I have watched the ever popular sports, but this year I have also found myself enjoying some of the more obscure sports as well. What is your favorite Olympic sport to watch?

It is very difficult to determine what are the world's most popular sports, due to the lack of suitable and reliable statistics. Here a good measure of popularity has been found. There are a couple of popular sports from around the world that do not participate at the Olympics, such as Cricket and American Football that may dominate certain countries viewership. Other sports like Baseball and Softball were dropped from the program, others were added, and in 2016 golf and rugby are set to return.

An estimate of worldwide viewership from the 2008 games shows the top 10 most watched sports...

  1. Track and Field
  2. Swimming
  3. Football (Soccer)
  4. Gymnastics
  5. Basketball
  6. Judo
  7. Tennis
  8. Marathon
  9. Weightlifting
  10. Sailing

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