I just read an article about a guy that lip synced for seven hours on a road trip. Why would someone do that? Oh, his sister was stuck in the car with him? Now I get it. 

According to the Daily Mail, Brian Andersen sang a '90s pop-heavy' compilation to his sister, Ashley, while they were traveling together. As a younger sister, that sounds comparable to one of the circles of hell in Dante's Inferno.

However, I've been on road trips with my older brother, Matt, and he's a pretty quiet guy. So if one of us is going to bust out the 'My Heart Will Go On' and 'Genie in a Bottle,' ...It's gonna be maay!

Don't get any ideas though, Matt.

What '90s song would you use to torture your sibling?

For me, this is a toughy. But, after much consideration, I think I would pick this:


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