Yesterday (Sept. 25) marked the final night of performances at Banksy’s Dismaland art exhibition in Weston-super-Mare, England, and De La Soul closed things out with the help of Gorillaz and Blur leader Damon Albarn.

Together, they played their 2005 collaboration on the Gorillaz hit, “Feel Good Inc.” For reasons unknown, Albarn decided to dress like the Hamburglar for the performance -- check it out in the video up above. Albarn has to switch microphones roughly 30 seconds in due to technical difficulties that may or may not have been intentionally on theme with the “bemusement park.”

Previously, Run the Jewels and Savages both served as performers at Dismaland. While last night concluded the live portion of the park’s run, it’s still open for a couple more days before it closes its doors tomorrow.

Though Gorillaz haven’t dropped an album since 2011’s The Fall, Blur made a comeback earlier this year with The Magic Whip, their first album in more than a decade. The English rockers don’t have any plans for a full-fledged U.S. tour behind their latest full-length, however, they will play the Hollywood Bowl on Oct. 20. You can find ticket information for that show at the band’s website.

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