VIDEO: Ever Seen a Truck Use a Runaway Ramp on I-70? Me Neither
If you've ever taken a road trip through the Rocky Mountains, or driven to pretty much any ski resort here, you've probably seen a number of steep, gravel roads that run off of the highway, known as 'runaway truck ramps.' But, if you're like me, you've probably never actually seen one in use (fortunately).
I-70 has several runaway truck ramps, and it's most likely pretty rare that they ever get used, but in the event one needs to be, it's a really really good thing they are there. My knowledge of semi trucks and 18 wheelers is like, little to none, but I do know that on steep hills they sometimes can lose their brakes which, yes, is absolutely terrifying.
Should that happen, that's what the ramps are for. Daniel Thompson and @xander_ricker were on I-70 in Colorado when they saw a truck lose its brakes in front of them, veering onto the ramp. While you can see how the steep uphill grade and gravel are able to slow the truck, it then starts going back downhill — with no brakes still.
(Video with sound on has NSFW language.)
Personally, I've always wondered how exactly these ramps work, if trucks do wind up going down them backwards (seriously, if anyone can answer that for me in the comments, that would be cool). In this case, truck may've tipped over sideways.
Being a truck driver is a difficult (and dangerous) job, so as @i70things posted in the video's caption, if you find yourself traveling through the mountains, 'One thing you can take away from this is when coming down from the tunnel in either direction be aware of what’s in front and behind you especially if you’re in the right lane.'