So are you like me and set yourself a goal to lose weight and look great in 2015? Maybe you started going to venues like Miramont Fitness or the Fort Collins Club to work with a trainer to help you achieve your goals even quicker. Well, if you're also like me, sometimes you have an excuse of why you can't do TRX that day or why you could only do 10 push ups instead of 20. However, your trainer doesn't always want to hear those excuses even though they are easy to come by. According to the Huffington Post, here are the excuses you don't want to use with your trainer because believe me, they will get you nowhere!

Excuse #1: "I Don't Have Enough Time" - 

Believe me, I have used this excuse plenty of times. But I am also learning that I need to look at my daily schedule and see what I can change to my day to day because there are definitely "time killers" I can eliminate to fit in a workout. And I bet if you looked at your schedule you could as well.

Excuse #2: "I Didn't Feel Like Taking Another Shower" -

Your trainer definitely won't go for this, especially if one of the reasons is because you don't want to ruin your hair. As they pain, no gain! The way I look at it, if you don't sweat don't expect to lose weight!

Excuse #3: "I Needed A Glass of Wine" - 

I've actually heard this excuse before. And just sitting here thinking about it makes me shake my head.

Excuse #4 - "I'm Not Flexible Enough" - 

This was actually an excuse I used to use until I actually TRIED to be flexible. And guess what? I COULD DO IT!!  You'd be amazed what you can do if you actually put your mind to it.

Excuse #5 - "I Didn't Know How To Do It" - 

Here's another one that was in my vocabulary all the time. I agree. There are some exercises that you watch and make you wonder how it's done and it may take you a few tries to get it done. But once you get a hang of it, it works solidly for you and it just becomes part of your routine.


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