I don't know if you are familiar with Trader Joe's, but if you're not, get ready for a great shopping experience. Trader Joe's, most commonly known for their wine "Two Buck Chuck," however their signature brand of wine will not be available at their Fort Collins location due to state liquor laws. They also don't carry some of the more traditional products you find at your usual grocery store, like paper towels and trash bags. They cary their own brands of food and beverages in their stores. According to the Coloradoan, the new store will be opening at 8 a.m. on February 27, 2015. They will be located in a 12,200-square-foot store at 3500 S. College Avenue.

Personally, I have always really liked Trader Joe's. But what really gets me excited is the possibility of another one of their stores coming to town. Trader Joe's also owns a grocery store called Aldi's and they tend to follow one opening with another... all we need now is an In-N-Out.

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