If you're like me, you generally wait until December 23rd to buy your family and friends all their Christmas gifts. Today however is December 6th, which leaves us just enough time to get our holiday shopping done right now! Why not? You're already on the internet reading this blog, right? Well, I've compiled a list of the top 5 places you can visit to fulfill your holiday shopping needs. They're just a mouse click away, so let's get started!

Number 5: YouTube.com

YouTube comes in at number 5 on our list for a few reasons. First off, you can't actually purchase anything from this website... Which makes it a horrible place to shop. It's a good place to start though if you're looking for gift ideas, or holiday shopping has stressed you out, and you just want to forget about the Christmas season all together.

Number 4: Craigslist.org

Craigslist makes the list at my number 4 place to do your holiday shopping. This is the perfect place to shop for someone you don't really love. A Craigslist gift says, "hey, it may have only cost 11 dollars, but I had to risk being murdered to get it for you. Deal with it!"

Number 3: Ebay.com

In all seriousness, Ebay is number 3 on my list. It might not be the ideal place to do your Christmas shopping, but there are some good deals! Avoid buying things used, and be sure the auctions only have a few days left. If you like taking risks and living life on the edge, Ebay is the place for you!

Number 2: Any "Big Name" Retailer

This is a very broad spectrum, which is why it's my number 2 choice for your best online shopping options. Stores like Walmart, Target and Best Buy are always open for business on the internet. If you're lucky, a deal may pop up here and there. For the most part, these places are good for buying something. If you're not bargain hunting, they're an easy choice. Plus, a lot of them offer in-store pickup for those of you who are still going to wait until December 23rd.

Number 1: Amazon.com

Without a doubt, Amazon is the best place for all of your holiday shopping needs. Shipping is cheap, and they run awesome deals all year long. Not to mention if you become an "Amazon Prime" member, you can forget about shopping and just watch movies all day! Look, any place I can go and buy clothing for mom, 'Girls Gone Wild' DVDs for dad, and gift cards for people who I pretend to care about every year... Is a place I'm going to shop.

I hope this list does you well! Merry Chirstmas, Happy Holidays, and good luck! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some "shopping" done on YouTube.

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