We all reach the age where our hair starts to reveal how wise and experienced we are. At that point, a decision about our hair may have to be made: To dye, or not to dye?

If we do, the key seems to be to find a color that is close to what we would have in our pre-gray days. I thought my mom’s stylist has always had a knack for finding a color that helps her look and feel young without it seeming like she is forcing the issue.


The whole idea came up because Susan noticed how much she liked Emmylou Harris’ hair in a photo on our website. The distinguished gray look is very fitting of Emmylou and her natural and beautiful style. It reflects the sound of her music. It has dignity, grace and depths of beauty. Its really difficult to tell if it has color added to it, or if that is what she has to work with naturally.

Susan, likewise, has the ‘is she, isn’t she?’ sort of thing happening with her hair. It’s a deep, beautiful brownish blonde that, even when it is tied in a casual “I’m going to brush the horses” ponytail, brings disarming beauty.


The thing these three women seem to have in common is that they all carry such a confidence with them, and maybe some of that comes from the way they feel about their hair. Since they seem to be unshakable in their love for themselves, their confidence radiates to beauty, which makes everyone around them happier.

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