Tim Tebow is single and ready to Christian mingle!

The football star went on the record this week with Ellen Degeneres to say that, yes, he is indeed single.

"What are you looking for in a partner?" Degeneres asked.

"Well, obviously someone that I'm extremely attracted to," replied Tebow. "I think there has to be more there. There has to be depth. You know, obviously you have to have similar beliefs. You have to have chemistry, character...but there has to be something more than just glitz and glamour."

Watch Tim Tebow's appearance on the Ellen Show below.

Wanna date Tim Tebow? Yes, he did used to play for the Denver Broncos, but just remember...he also (sort of) played for the New England Patriots. Proceed if that's not a deal breaker.

New York Giants v New England Patriots
Jared Wickerham/Getty Images

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