How the heck does Dave Grohl not know 'Joy to the World'? That's what he claims in this promo video we dug up. Whoever's directing this video suggests the timeless holiday classic, and Dave shoots it down because he doesn't know the words. What a weirdo.

But thankfully he and the other two guys in Nirvana all knew 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas.' As always, bassist Krist Novoselic felt compelled to ham it up, while Kurt Cobain held an appropriately-colored flower.

And the person behind the camera? Drag queen goddess RuPaul. You can even see they're all holding little cardboard cutouts of America's favorite drag performer. As it turned out, Nirvana and RuPaul loved each other. This promo was for RuPaul's 1990s talk show. She even paid the band a visit when they appeared on 'Saturday Night Live.'

Anyway, from all of us at Diffuser, and from Nirvana, Happy Holidays!

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