Two things brought on the idea to write about the beast beards ever... First, George Zimmer, founder and spokesperson of The Men’s Warehouse suit and tailoring stores, has been fired from the very company he founded (you know, the "you're gonna like the way you look" guy, who along with a great voice had a snazzy beard. Secondly, I took a picture of myself with my new iPhone yesterday, and had a few people comment on the "niceness" of my beard. So here are my ten favorite beards of all time... 

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    Now before you go and call me all conceited and stuff, remember that if you don't love your own beard, then no one will love it. It was either me or the Men's Warehouse guy I just talked about, and his beard is great and all, but I think I got him. I know it's not as full, as thick, and as perfectly shaven as the rest of the beards on this list, but it's all for a good cause. And after all, this is my list, and I want my beard on it!!

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    Brigham Young

    Mr. Young had a prodigious (and bifurcated?) beard going, it’s true, but the really frightening part is that at the university he founded you have to obtain a special beard waiver in order to grow your own. Don’t believe us? There’s a whole section on the BYU HR page entitled Beard Procedures.

    Brigham Young
    Brigham Young
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    Zach Galifianakis

    As you go through my list, you will soon learn that in order to make the cut the beard you have must be legendary, I mean like the first thing you think about when you think of the person. Zach Galifianakis' beard hasn't reached that status yet, but it's getting there. "The Hangover" would have bombed without it, and there is a whole website dedicated to putting it on other famous peoples faces... I'd say it's making a name for itself!

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    James Harden

    Hard to believe that there was a time not too long ago when James Harden of the Houston Rockets couldn't grow a beard, and that's how the story begins. When you don't have to shave you don't... Pretty soon Mr. Harden needed to shave, but didn't. Now he has the most famous beard in NBA history. It has its own Twitter and Facebook pages, inspired T-shirts and songs.

    James Harden/Facebook
    James Harden/Facebook
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    Yosemite Sam

    Not that you go to bed at night trying to think of the best beards in cartoons, but I do, and it's a no-brainer, hands-down winner... Yosemite Sam... I mean, give me a break, his whole face is beard. He doesn’t have a face! Just beard!

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    The Son of God should certainly be included on the list, whether you’re a believer or not. Perhaps God should also be included, since he’s usually depicted with a long, white beard. It’s not even certain that Jesus wore a beard, but hot water and razors weren’t exactly plentiful 2000 years ago, so it’s a safe bet that he did, and I think he looks pretty slick in the picture I found of him...

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    Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln freed the slaves, and did it while rocking an early chin curtain (a beard that just grows on the chin). As far as I know he was the inventor of this style of beard, and if you invent a style of facial hair you go down in history in my book regardless of if you were the president of the U.S. or not. By the way be careful where you talk about ol' Abe Lincoln's beard, it's also a slang term for the act of shaving ones pubic area and saving it to be thrown on the face of someone pleasuring them. The shaver shoots the face of the pleasurer with his "fluids", then throws the pubic clippings onto their face. Thus...Abraham Lincoln's Beard. You learn something new everyday!

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    Santa Claus

    You might not think that Santa belongs on a list of the most famous beards in history, as he doesn’t exist. You might not think he’s real, but there are a couple of billion children who would disagree with you! And if that still doesn't convince you that Kris Kringle should be on this list, think about it this way... There are grown ass men who spend their whole lives growing beards so they can sit in a mall for a month each year and pretend to be this dude. EPIC!

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    Brian Wilson

    If you aren't a sports guy, you are yelling at your computer saying I must be confused, none of the Beach Boys had beards! Well, I am not confused, the best beard in the history of sports comes from a dude with the same name as a Beach Boy... Unfortunately, the guy who coined the phrase "fear the beard," and had the stands at San Francisco Giants home games looking like Halloween every night, is without work right now. Good news, his beard is still doing fine with it's own commercials, website, social media sites, and according to me, the second best beard ever!

    Brian Wilson/Facebook
    Brian Wilson/Facebook
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    Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill

    A silhouette of the three members of ZZ Top appears on the cover of their 15th studio album, La Futura, released last year. But who needs to see their faces as long as their trademark chest-length beards are visible and possibly more identifiable than their music catalog that spans 40-plus years?

    Guitarists Billy Gibbons and Dusty Hill have been wearing the signature look since the late '70s, while the group's drummer, whose name is ironically Frank Beard, prefers to maintain a clean shave.

    Gibbons recently revealed that he and Hill were once offered $1 million to cut off their facial hair, but they declined. In 1984, shaver manufacturer Gillette solicited the Rock 'N Roll Hall Of Fame inductees for an ad campaign but they turned down the lucrative opportunity.

    $1 million bucks for your beard, I'd say there is no arguing who has the best beard ever! Unless you want to debate if it's Billy or Dusty...

    ZZ Top/Facebook
    ZZ Top/Facebook

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