Over the last month we have had you help us in a bracket style tournament to determine "Northern Colorado's Favorite Band." First of all, a huge thank you to everyone one that took a little time to vote on some of the match-ups. We started with 64 bands and artists and yesterday the Beatles took on Journey in the final match. The Beatles came out victorious, and can now claim the title "Northern Colorado's Favorite Band!"

It wasn't an easy road to the finals for the Beatles. The first round they beat the Four Tops out pretty easily, then took on Lynyrd Skynyrd and Marvin Gaye in the next couple rounds which were dominated by the Beatles as well. Thats when the road got really tough. When there were just 8 artists left, the Beatles got matched up against Elvis, and won by one single vote. Tom Petty was next, and with the win the Beatles moved on into the championship match against Journey, which was very close as well. Now that the dust has settled, they were the only band that survived without a loss making the Beatles "Northern Colorado's Favorite Band."

Thanks again to everyone who made a vote or two, and maybe just maybe, next March we will see if the Beatles can do it again!


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