For some this Thursday will be the first time to ever cook a turkey for others it will cause much stress not to dry it out and a few chosen will again make the best tasting-moist turkey ever. Are you one of the chosen?

Thanksgiving 10 things you should know about your turkey
allaboutchase, flickr


  1. Stuffing your bird is a no no, it encourages the growth of bacteria and because it will need to cook longer the bird will most likely end up dry.
  2. If your bird has a built in thermometer that is suppose to pop up when the bird is done, don't remove it, but IGNORE IT! The pop ups are designed to pop when the breast reaches 180 degrees, the breast should be about 165. If you go by the pop up, your turkey will be dry. Test the thick part of the breast without touching the bone with an instant read thermometer and remove the turkey when that is between 161-165, then let it sit on the counter (covered with foil loosely) for at least 20 minutes before carving.
  3. Basting your bird will only lengthen the cooking time as you let out the heat every time you open the oven. Best way to get the perfect bird is to start it uncovered at around 450 for 20 to thirty minutes, then tent the breast with foil, turn down the heat to 350 and cook for another 1.5 hours-approximately (for a 15 pound bird)
  4. The cooking directions on a frozen bird package are rarely accurate and will have you over cooking your bird.
  5. For Crispier skin, remove the packaging of the bird in the fridge a day before roasting the bird. (remember it takes about 3 days, possibly longer to thaw a 20lb bird in the fridge-which is the safest way to thaw a turkey)
  6. You can roast a partially frozen turkey, it will take slightly longer but is possible without harming anyone.
  7. Using a cooking bag can accelerate cooking times.
  8. Brining your bird will keep it moist.
  9. A turkey will come with 'stuff' inside, the neck and other parts, remove them and rinse the bird thoroughly inside and out before roasting/cooking.
  10. Carving a bird is easier than you think...

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