
mystery business for sale
mystery business for sale
mystery business for sale
There are many businesses throughout Northern Colorado that are listed on BizBuySell for someone else to come in and own them. However, every once in a while you will get an anonymous listing and this is one of those times!
Grad Tries To Sell His Law Degree On Craigslist For $210,000
Grad Tries To Sell His Law Degree On Craigslist For $210,000
Grad Tries To Sell His Law Degree On Craigslist For $210,000
A lot of college degrees actually are useful in the real world - for example, I studied Music Business at Full Sail University. Now I get to play and talk about music on the radio for a living! However, not everyone is so lucky. A Florida law grad, who's drowning in so much debt, tried to sell his law degree on Craigslist for $210,000...
Sell Your Instagram Selfies?
Sell Your Instagram Selfies?
Sell Your Instagram Selfies?
How much are your Instagram selfies worth? $150 - oh, and none of that will be paid to you. A website called Sellfie literally sells Instagram selfies to random strangers, and is definitely operating in a legal gray area, potentially violating Instagram's terms of use...