
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Driver Pushes Cop Car Off the Road in Russia [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Driver Pushes Cop Car Off the Road in Russia [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Driver Pushes Cop Car Off the Road in Russia [Video]
Ah yes, Mother Russia. She never disappoints. As we've learned, every car in Russia is required to have a dashcam because of the ridiculous amount of insurance fraud that is attempted every year. These cameras are a way to curb that, and an added side benefit is videos like this. Watch as a car passes this guy on the left, followed closely by a cop.
Bits & Snatches Quickie 11-19-13 [AUDIO]
Bits & Snatches Quickie 11-19-13 [AUDIO]
Bits & Snatches Quickie 11-19-13 [AUDIO]
In this Bits & Snatches Quickie (Bits Y Snatches Rapido for our international streamers) the following topics will be explored: Russian Squats Marky Mark (sans Funky Bunch) Things You Probably Shouldn't Do At The DMV  
The President of Russia is a Badass
The President of Russia is a Badass
The President of Russia is a Badass
Not everyone agrees with Vladimir Putin and his Presidential tactics, but you can't please everyone. Aside from being a leader for (still kind of) Communist Russia, he also has a pretty active social life for a President (no, we don't mean his petty-theft accusations). He's not quite the baby-kissing and golf-playing type, more like the tiger-hunting and deep-sea-diving-for-treasure-type. Check o