
The Best Meme Reactions to Disney’s Lucasfilm Acquisition
The Best Meme Reactions to Disney’s Lucasfilm Acquisition
The Best Meme Reactions to Disney’s Lucasfilm Acquisition
In case you missed it -- Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion dollars. They also own Marvel now too. To put it in other words, all that stuff you liked as a kid to prove you're not a girl is now owned by the people who made 'Beauty and the Beast.' (On the bright side, the next 'Kingdom Hearts' game could be totally sick.) Of course, not everybody is looking on the bright side. Some of them are m
‘Iron Man 3′ Plot Synopsis Revealed
The folks behind 'Iron Man 3' are killing us with all the teases for the upcoming 'Iron Man 3' trailer, which is said to be released this month once they get enough followers on their official Facebook Page. But while we're waiting for the number to go up (by the way, last time we checked, the percent was only at 33% and it needs to be 100%), how about a read at the plot synopsis?