Men are pretty serious about their beard game, and for some men, it's no joking matter. On the other hand, Matt Sparx is the exception to that rule, as he let me straighten his beard in the studio.
I'm going through a little phase in my life called, "Hey you, fat - get the hell off my body." And I've enlisted the help of the UltraShape procedure to get rid of fat for good.
Yoko Ono says John Lennon had a desire to sleep with men, but never did because he could never find a man that was "attractive enough."
Ono made the revelation on her husband's long-rumored bisexuality in a candid interview with the Daily Beast on Tuesday...
So, there are probably a million stereotypes about beauty queens. Some are probably pretty unfair.
However, in this case, this beauty lives up to the hype and fulfills everyone's expectations that she isn't very smart.