
colorado tops for zombies
colorado tops for zombies
colorado tops for zombies
The zombie apocalypse has hit the entire United States, and you need to find the best area of the country to survive. Well, if you already live in the Denver metro area, your chances of surviving have already gone up.
Can Zombies Just Go Away…
Can Zombies Just Go Away…
Can Zombies Just Go Away…
It's no secret that Zombies are trending BIG TIME right now. With successful shows like The Walking Dead, and popular video games such as Resident Evil, it's hard for people's imaginations not to run wild. However, if I hear one more person suggest that they are looking forward to a "Zombie Apocalypse" I'm going to hit them repeatedly with a blunt object.
Who’s Ready for the Next Apocalypse?
Who’s Ready for the Next Apocalypse?
Who’s Ready for the Next Apocalypse?
If you're like me (smart) you don't believe this BS about the Mayan calendar ending, which will result in the end of the world. There are several things that totally disprove that the world is in any danger. Aside from NASA themselves saying we're all crazy, let's not forget that this is a calendar we're talking about...
The World Is Not Ending On December 21st, NASA Says So
The World Is Not Ending On December 21st, NASA Says So
The World Is Not Ending On December 21st, NASA Says So
I still cannot believe how many people truly believe the world is going to end in just about a week. If they really believe something is going to happen why are they not going out and spending all their money, and doing once in a lifetime things? Probably because they too doubt anything is actually going to happen. If you still don't believe me, that nothing is going to happen meet my friends at N