The 6 O'Clock Flashback is now your Flashback. Tell us your name, what city you listen from and we'll revisit five songs from the year of your choice. We just might give you (and everyone else who's listening) all the nostalgic feels. 

Here's an example:

I'm Shelby from Fort Collins, and I pick 2006. I want to hear something from AFI's Decemberunderground, because Davey Havok is the love of my life. When I was in high school, that was the first CD I went and bought myself as soon as it came out. Every time I hear songs from that album I remember listening to them during my passing period. Oh, and can you also throw on Angels and Airwaves? Because I love Tom Delonge. Thanks, you are the best DJ ever!

OK, you don't have to give me compliments... but you can. Submit your 6 O'Clock Flashback through the form below, and e'll let you know when your Flashback will air.

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