Soon Colorado commercial photographers may have to have new annual $500 permit to take pictures at the Garden of the Gods Park.

"At this time, commercial photo or video projects where the final product is for the customer’s personal use do NOT require a permit. This includes weddings, engagement photos, graduation photos, etc.", according to a Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Facebook post.

The permit fee under consideration would be $500 a year and includes all Colorado Springs City parks, including Garden of the Gods.

"A photo permit for City parks NOT including Garden of the Gods is proposed to be $250/year", according to a Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Facebook post.

Park visitors taking pictures in the park for personal use do not need a permit.

Other commercial uses within Garden of the Gods Park – like bus tours, guided rock climbing, guided talks, hikes, rentals and workshops – do require a permit.

The money garnered from the permits will go to funding park maintenance, programming and projects.

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