The New York Jets and Miami Dolphins will be going head to head in London this Sunday, for the first of three international NFL match-ups to take place this season. When it came to preparing and packing equipment for their trip overseas, the Jets just couldn't leave the comforts of home behind.

Apparently, the toilet paper in London just isn't as plush as what we are working with here in America, so the New York Jets figured out a solution to this problem by packing 350 of their own rolls to take with them...for ONE weekend. The team opted to bring plenty top quality toilet paper with them, not only because the thinness of the rolls in England, but also as a way to replicate what works for them when they are at home. A lot of athletes are very superstitious when it comes to game-day routines and don't want to change anything they normally do for fear that it will ruin their game.

Besides just bringing extra TP across the pond with them, the Jets are also shipping another whopping 5,000 items to ensure maximum comfort during their stay. Some of these additional items include hot sauce and barbecue sauce, as well as wrist bands and cereal. Furthermore, prior to this short weekend of travelling, the team flew in the chef from their London hotel to New York in order to observe how his food would be cooked and served upon arriving.

While this whole packing list seems a bit over the top for one single game, Jets manager Aaron Degerness explained that contrary to what people may think, the shipping process really did not cost the team too much money once it was all said and done. The goal was really to replicate everything the team does at home, overseas.

Remember to wake up early for this game, as it will be aired at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday. The New York Jets are currently 2-1 and the Miami Dolphins are 1-2. Ready, set...wipe!

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