A Perfect Circle are scheduled to release their 'A Perfect Circle: Featuring Stone and Echo' box set on Nov. 26. Although the career-spanning box set won't be shipped out until next week, the audio of A Perfect Circle's 20-song live performance, dubbed 'Stone and Echo,' is available for streaming right now via Consequence of Sound.

Unfortunately for die-hard fans, the physical 'A Perfect Circle: Featuring Stone and Echo' box set is sold out, but 'Stone and Echo' will become available via iTunes on Nov. 26. The somewhat rare live performance from A Perfect Circle was recorded at Colorado's Red Rocks Amphitheater on Aug. 11, 2011 and spans through fan favorites from all three APC full-length records.

'Stone and Echo' is also packed with cover songs from a menagerie of legendary artists. A Perfect Circle offer their take on John Lennon's 'Imagine,' Marvin Gaye's 'What's Going On' and Black Flag's 'Gimme Gimme Gimme,' among others.

A Perfect Circle have also just released their 'Three Sixty' compilation, which is more of a "greatest hits" album, plus the brand new track 'By and Down.' The two-disc deluxe edition also houses four live performances of the APC works ‘People are People,’ ’3 Libras,’ ‘Gravity’ and the band’s cover of Joni Mitchell’s ‘Fiddle and the Drum.’

To check out 'Stone and Echo' head over to Consequence of Sound by clicking the red button below. To pre-order 'Stone and Echo' in its digital form, click here.

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