We are making a list and we are checking it twice. It’s a list of our “Top 6 Animated TV Christmas Specials”. Back when we were kids it was a much bigger deal because there were only 3 or 4 channels. We had a family tradition of sitting down every year to watch “Rudolph” and “Charlie Brown”. What is your favorite? What did we miss?

6. The Year Without a Santa Claus

The Year without a Santa Claus may not get all of the credit it deserves, but it  is a holiday classic and that is for two reasons: Mr. Snow Miser & Mr. Heat Miser! It’s show that first aired in 1974 and starred Mickey Rooney as Santa Claus. You can see it this year on ABC Family. It’s #6 on our list. Here is the “Snow Miser/Heat Miser” song courtesy of YouTube.

5. Frosty The Snowman

It’s hard to believe, but “Frosty the Snowman” has been around since 1954.  The TV special we all know and love didn’t come to be until 1969. It featured the voice of Jimmy Durante as the Narrator.  It’s #5 on our list of “Top Animate TV Christmas Specials”.  You can watch it on CBS. Watch Frosty come to life courtesy of YouTube.

4. The Polar Express

The newest Christmas special on our list is “The Polar Express”. It’s a 2004 movie base on a children’s book of the same name.  Tom Hanks plays 6 different characters in the movie.  The animation is stunning.  They use a technique called motion capture computer-animation. You can watch “The Polar Express” on ABC Family during their 25 Days of Christmas. Check out this video clip of the film courtesy of YouTube.

3. A Charlie Brown Christmas

“A Charlie Brown Christmas” would be #1 on many lists, but is #3 on our list of “Animated TV Christmas Specials”.  No question, it’s iconic.  Who doesn’t call a scraggly little Christmas tree a “Charlie Brown Tree”? From 1965 through 2000, the show was a staple on CBS. It has aired every year on ABC since 2001.  Here is the song “Christmas Time is Here” from the TV show courtesy of YouTube.

2. How The Grinch Stole Christmas

The Dr. Seuss classic has been stealing our hearts since 1966.  It is also many peoples favorite holiday treat, but was #2 on our list.  It’s worth watching for the song alone, “You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch”.  You can watch the show on TBS on November 13th and also on ABC Family during their 25 Days of Christmas. Here is a little video evidence of why we love the Grinch courtesy of YouTube.

1. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Our #1 “Animated TV Christmas Special” is “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”.  It is a stop motion animation classic.  It’s been on the air since 1964. The story has some unforgettable characters, including:  Hermey the Misfit Elf, Yukon Cornelius, The Abominable Snow Monster of the North, and Sam Snowman. (Burl Ives) You can watch the show every year on CBS, although ABC Family will have it on as well. Here is the scene where Rudolph meets Hermey courtesy of YouTube.

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