Naloxone is a drug that is going to be made available for free to high schools across the country, by its manufacturer.  The sound of a heroin overdose antidote in Colorado high schools gives a person a shudder.

John Moore, Getty Images

Naloxone is a narcotic drug given by nasal spray or injection that will stop the effects of opioid medications (such as Oxycontin) and heroin, temporarily getting the person who has overdosed to start breathing again so that they can be taken to the hospital for treatment. The manufacturer of the drug recently announced that they’ll be providing a free carton of the drug to any high school in the country that wants it. 

Why would a high school want the drug? Studies show that 1 in 7 Colorado high school students have taken prescription medications without a doctor's prescription. Students say that the drugs are easier to get than beer because their parents or family friends have it in their medicine cabinets; which is another great reason to take part in Drug Take Back Day.’   

So, the unthinkable situation is this: Your son or daughter gets a hold of an opioid medication, say Uncle Dan’s Percocets from his softball injury last summer, to get high; he or she misuses them, and overdoses while at school. The school nurse, as first responder, gives them a dose of naloxone.

That is just one scenario. Another is the use of heroin, which is on the increase across America and Colorado.

Heroin is one of the easiest drugs to overdose on — it makes no difference if the drug is injected, snorted, or smoked. A heroin overdose can cause slow, shallow breathing; convulsions; coma; and death.

It’s clear, that the best way to prevent an opioid overdose by a teen, is talking to them about the true dangers of such drugs. Here is a link to help with that.

Do you know if your kids’ high school already has naloxone?

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