There are always new videos going viral on YouTube, but none in recent memory have been as big as the latest craze. A song called "Gangnam Style" from a Korean singer named Psy. I recently wrote an article explaining what the song and dance were all about, and ever since then I have want to participate in the fun. This weekend with the help of a couple of my DJ friends, we did a little dancing.

Sure, there have been many people that have made their own videos doing the "Gangnam Style" dance, but we did it a little different... In front of a sold out crowd at a comedy show!

They say practice makes perfect, I say wrong! I practiced this thing for a long time, watched Psy so it thousands of times, and even dreamed about the dance a few times, and I was still horrible. It was fun though!

Brian Gary and Todd Harding from our sister station K99 joined me on stage for the dance...

and here is how it is supposed to go...


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