Nicolas Cage has played a flaming skull on a motorcycle and starred in a film called 'The Wicker Man' (Up the Irons!), which gives him a some metal cred. However, his connection to metal goes beyond those acting roles. According to Cage's son, who is a known black metal musician, the Oscar-winning thespian has a taste for the corpse-painted genre.

In a new interview with Illogical Contraption, Weston Coppola Cage talked black metal, bloodlines and life. Weston was once in a band called Eyes of Noctum and is currently composing music for a solo black metal project called Allone, but his revelations that his father enjoys black metal is the biggest attention grabber from a new interview.

Weston Coppola Cage says:

He's really appreciated that sort of music. Him and I have had conversation about black metal before. At first he was like "what does it promote?" and I just gave him an idea of what we're trying to do and he said "Well that sounds very honest … He likes Darkthrone and he likes Satyricon, as well.

This should be a very exciting year from Nicolas Cage, because both Darkthrone released their 15th studio album, 'The Underground Resistance,' in February and Satyricon will unveil a self-titled effort on Sept. 10!

Stay tuned to Loudwire for all your Nicolas Cage black metal news.

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