What better way to spend this Hallmark holiday then using it for all of your drug trafficking needs? A Massachusetts man was arrested on for drug charges when he had a package full of chocolates and teddy bears delivered to his house. 

As it turns out, the chocolate and teddy bears were meant to disuse $10,000 worth of crystal meth. The postal service investigated the package, as it looked very suspicious  Drug sniffing dogs confirmed their suspicions and they sent a postal investigator disguised as a mail carrier.

How stupid would you have to be to have that much meth shipped to your doorstep? Better yet, who was packaging this thing? It must have been a pretty hack job for the postal service to do that much investigating! Not to mention, isn't hiding drugs in a teddy bear a little cliché?

If you're spending Valentines day alone, let this story be a reminder that things could be worse! You could be sending yourself candy hearts and teddy bears in the mail, only to end up in prison! Happy Valentines Day!


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