Jackson Browne

Jackson Browne, whose songs have always looked at the intersection of matters personal and political, will perform at a ‘Get Out the Vote’ rally in Madison, Wis. on June 1. The rally is in advance of the recall vote of Wis. Gov. Scott Walker on June 5. The free event, which will be held at the Madison Labor Temple at 5:30PM, will also feature Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, and Tim McIlrath of the punk band Rise Against.

Walker is facing a recall vote against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett due to his controversial legislation that stripped state employees of their right to collectively bargain. Walker is also believed to be under investigation for bid-rigging when he served as Milwaukee County Executive.

“Working people across America watched aghast as Gov. Scott Walker struck down the right to collectively bargain for Wisconsin State employees,” Browne said on his website. “It’s up to the people of Wisconsin to remove Walker from office, but the fight is an American fight, for a basic American right. I’m coming to Wisconsin to help get out the vote. Recall Scott Walker!”

Browne has long been involved in political causes. In the late-70s and early-80s, he organized concerts against the use of nuclear power. He has also written songs condemning U.S. policy in Central America, and performed at many benefit concerts for leftist causes.

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