The holiday season is here in full force!! Embrace it. People remark how the Christmas Season seems to arrive earlier each year, and my reaction to that is, “Great!” If we embrace what the Holiday Spirit is all about, then why shouldn’t we be happy its here? It means that we start putting others before ourselves. We begin to think of our loved ones and the time we’ll spend together in the next few weeks and months. It means that we’ll start to give, and that’s one of the best feelings of all.

Not to downplay receiving. If you are moving into the holiday and are afraid to admit that it’s great to receive gifts sometimes, then you perhaps have one of two things going on. 1) You are lying, or 2)You weren’t well behaved enough during the past 11 and 1/2 months to feel deserving. Either way, look forward to the goodies you’ll receive this year as early payment for the good behavior and awesomeness you’ll display next year. Resolve to enjoy these holidays as soon as they start, from the sizzle of the turkey to the scribbling sound as you write those oh-so essential New Year’s Resolutions.

Holiday fun begins and abounds in Fort Collins this weekend. I spoke with Katy Schneider, Director of Marketing with the Fort Collins Convention and Visitors Bureau and she explained how

If you are downtown [Old Town, Fort Collins, CO] the ice skating rink will be open…there are horse and carriage rides going on all through downtown and lot’s of openings for our arts and culture groups, so there is not a shortage of things to do this weekend.

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