There is no denying that the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, is a jerk, a d-bag, a bigot, a racist, insert whatever word you want to call him. And, I think the NBA handled the situation perfectly in banning him from the league for life and fining him a bunch of cash. What I do see a problem with is the reverse racism that seems to be happening because of the situation. 

From Charles Barkley calling the NBA a "Black League," former New York Knicks player Larry Johnson calling for an "all-black league," and an LA Times columnist suggesting Donald Sterling buy a hockey team to avoid blacks. Come on, how is this making the situation better? How are these sort of statements ok?!

This is 2014, and maybe I am different than some, but it is simply not hard for me to go about my day to day business without even noticing the color of people around me. A person is just a person in 2014.

And although I think racism is something that will never be able to completely disappear, I truly believe that people of all races have to start thinking like I just explained. There can't be any mention of all-any colored anythings, we have to start looking at people as the human race, and forget that everyone's skin may look a little different.

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