There is a term for what is being talked about yet I can't think of it.  Rumor has it though that the Federal government is laying the groundwork to let the Secret Service start arresting Sheriffs for not enforcing new gun control laws, starting with Colorado.

By the sounds of it, Colorado is being targeted with an attempt to set up loopholes that will allow the U.S. Secret Service to arrest and remove an elected sheriff for refusing to enforce the law, or anyone breaking the law. This means ALL Secret Service including uniformed division officers, physical security technicians, specialists, and other ‘special officers’.

In short they want to,

...establish federal authority police powers in a State, enabling an enforcement arm reporting directly to the president (Secret Service). It would enable the president / executive branch to theoretically override the actions and preventative measures that are now being taken by many States throughout the country who are trying to preserve 2nd Amendment gun rights and who are prohibiting the enforcement of unconstitutional law passed by Congress or pushed by executive order.

Most of us are well aware that just about every Sheriff across the country, including our own Weld and Larimer Sheriffs, (about 350 in all) have all said they will not enforce any mandate from Washington if it violates the Second Amendment, which these future mandates do.

Many states are trying to pass gun control bills, but politicians in Colorado have all but passed Senate Bill SB-13-013 which will give "police powers" and "arrest authority" to the federal/executive branch of government (Secret Service) within the State.

Sound fun?  Don't worry Texas, it sounds like y'all are up next!  (Read full story here.)

Author's Note:  Late afternoon on Thursday March 4th, I received an email from Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith who wanted to clarify and respond to this story. The link to the follow up posted this evening is directly below.

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