It’s July 11th, 2013…FREE SLURPEE DAY!  Yup, if you didn’t already know about this wonderful day you can get a 7.11 oz. Slurpee for free at participating 7-11 stores until 7PM.

Every year a couple of the guys over at our sister station 99.9 The Point, Derek and Beano, challenge each other to a free Slurpee chug-off, and this year I also got the invite.

The rules are simple, we take a Slurpee and chug it, first one to finish wins. The problem... Slurpees are cold, and chugging cold things gives you the worst brain freeze in the history of the world!

I wish I would have asked at the start what the winner got, because it was nothing, meaning there was no incentive other than looking like a jackass and having a headache. I don't recommend it, but here is how it went for me...

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