Washburne is his name, and he was part of a fundraiser that brought in nearly $20,000. Say 'Hello,' and 'Good boy,' to the Top Dog of 2021.

In September of 2021, 55 Fort Collins area dogs were part of a fundraising competition to help out the Northern Colorado Wildlife Center. The dogs' humans set out to raise the most funds on behalf of their adorable dogs

The top 16 fundraising dogs were invited to Odell Brewing on September 25, 2021, for an on-site dog competition that included strutting down the 'dogwalk,' the cutest trick, 'sniffing out the treat' and a few other fun things. A select group of judges would determine the 'Top Dog of 2021.'

Washburne, form Fort Collin was that Top Dog.

Washburne's human, Casi, says that he is a six-year-old rescue who is one of only three dogs that are part of the City of Fort Collins' B.A.R.K Rangers program. These rangers and their humans serve as ambassadors promoting stewardship ethics and good dog behavior while on city trails; they also participate in education and community outreach events.

Wash is an excellent adventure buddy. He particularly enjoys bike rides around town. We have a yellow cargo bike with a side basket for him to ride in. We often go to parks to play fetch or breweries to hang out on the bike.

As 'Top Dog of 2021,' not only did Washburne help to raise nearly $20,000 for the Northern Colorado Wildlife Center, he also got his picture, including his beloved bike basket, on a special crowler label that Odell customers could put on whichever beer they chose to celebrate Washburne's win.

Odell Top Dog Label 2021
Courtesy: Odell Brewing/Leapin Lizard Designs

How cute is that?


Washburne Wins
Courtesy: Austin Hannon

Washburne has degenerative eye disease, so he has to wear his special goggles when he's outdoors. His human, Casi, says that she has struggled with her mental health, and Washburne has been great therapy for that.

The organizers of the event, Kerry and Alex Koenigsberg, hope to make the Top Dog competition a yearly event.

More Adorable Dogs - These Dogs Were Part of a Wedding

In an effort to make her Colorado wedding more personal, Stefanie Hutchinson decided to walk down the aisle with the adoptable animals of Big Bones Canine Rescue. All photos were provided by the bride and were posted with permission from the photographer, credited at We The Light Phototography. You can also check out their social pages: @wethelightphoto (IG) or @wethelightphotography (FB).

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

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