To me Craigslist is like the red light district of the internet. Sure there is porn, but everyone practices those things in their bedroom, so it's not that bad. The things people say/look for on Craigslist are straight up weird!! But, I may have found the strangest Missed Connection yet right here in good ol' Fort Collins. 

Now I realize when you are turning to Craigslist to try and find someone you feel madly in love with at first sight you are putting yourself out there, and taking a huge chance. You also have to be as descriptive as humanly possible because you want to make sure you aren't making the dude from Taco Bell think you liked him when really it was the dude at 7-Eleven.

Well, this young lady in Fort Collins has made it very clear who she is looking for, and also made me squirt my smoothie I was just drinking out of my nostrils...


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