With political season well underway, I just recently found out that a friend of mine does not vote- AT ALL.  I find that kind of crazy- here in America, where voting has made this country so great, this person elects to- not care?

Come in and tell me- Do you plan to vote in November?

Maybe I'm just old, but I can't believe that people would just choose to not vote.  A guy came to the door the other day looking for my roommate who wasn't home. "She's not on the voter registry and we just want to make sure everybody gets out and votes in November" the man said with his Obama sticker.  I told my roommate about her not being registered, and she said "Yep. Never have been."

What? NEVER?  Never even picked a President?  Nope.  She figures it's just easier to stay out of it.  She understands that she doesn't get to complain when things don't go her way, but she'd rather just not deal with it.   Deal with what?  Getting to voice your opinion?  She LOVES all those reality

France Votes In Second Round Of Presidential Election

shows where people are VOTED off!

It reminds my of the father of another friend.  This man grew up in Hawaii, before it was made a U.S State- VOTED into the union!  Furthermore, this man has a interracial marriage.  Not that it was RIGHT, by no means, but VOTERS decided that interracial marriage being ILLEGAL was wrong.  So, Americans VOTING have helped to shape this man's life.  Yet, he chooses not to be bothered by it as well.

I'm definitely NOT saying that I, myself, am some VOTE VOTE VOTE guy.  I show up for the primaries and the general election- that's about it. If there's some BIG referendum on the ballot- like should a couple of cents per hundred dollars help to build the new Larimer County fairgrounds- I'm there, but I'm not at EVERY election/vote.  But, to say "I will NEVER vote" just seems... unpatriotic.

That's me.  What do YOU say?


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