Statistically, research has shown that most dieters begin the roller coaster life of eating, dieting, losing weight, gaining weight before they even hit puberty.

Dieting Kids Start as Early as 8 ThinkStock
Dieting Kids Start as Early as 8 ThinkStock

Common Sense Media released results from a recent study claiming that 80 percent of 10-year-old girls are on or have been dieting.

Although the results seem out of the scope of possibility, they are not that far off from research conducted in the 70's when it was found that most 14-year-old girls were already dieting and concerned with their body image.

In a not so stunning revolution, most kids have the same body image and food restrictions as their mother's. Another shocker, sarcastically said, is that in nearly all test studies children aspire to look like their favorite TV personalities, movie stars and video-game characters.

Not much parents can do about the media, unless you throw out your TV, gaming devices and disallow movies, but you can start teaching better self image and eating habits at home. Easier said than done, but it's a start.






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