There is currently a critical blood shortage of all blood types in Northern Colorado, due to recent traumas, cold and flu season, and other high needs. 50 units a day are needed to keep up with the demand for life saving blood transfusions. Can you donate with me at NCMC in Greeley today?

The North Colorado Medical Center Blood Donor Center is open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm today and 7:00 am to 4:30 pm on Friday, and is located at 1801 16th Street in the south east corner of the hospital in Greeley. Only 4% of the local community typically donate, and every possible unit is needed. This is something we can all do to help. Call (970) 350-6100 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome.

Blood Donation Information:

  • All donors must eat a healthy meal before they come in to donate.
  • All donors should drink extra water, at least 20 ounces, before their donation.
  • All donors must be healthy, no colds or flu symptoms for the past ten days.
  • Minimum weight to be eligible to donate is 115 pounds.
  • No tattoos or piercings for the past year.
  • It only takes about 40 minutes to donate.

Thank you in advance for your help in saving lives here in Northern Colorado!

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