This Saturday (August 18th) you can have a TON of fun, some great BBQ, and some great beer while raising money for a great cause!

The Awesome Toss 'Em Cornhole Festival!!

Get more on the event- inside!

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Turning Point in Fort Collins will be benefiting from the Awesome Toss 'Em Cornhole Festival this Saturday!  It's going to take place at Odell Brewing Company 11-3pm.  Bracketed teams will compete to make it the final round, where the winner will receive the Grand Prize: A Year of Beer!

I couldn't be more IN for this event!  The afternoon will not only feature three guaranteed rounds for each team, but also BBQ from Nordy's and some brews from Odell's!

Entry fees are $30/Individual; $50/Teams of 2.  VIP entries- $50/Individual $100/Teams of 2.

Money raised will help Turning Point, specializing in teen counseling!

I think my team name will be-- "The Shuckstables"!


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