It doesn't matter if you call yourself a "Nerd" or "Geek," Colorado is ranked as one of the most friendly states to the culture according to a new study. According to Estately, Colorado doesn't top the list of any of the 12 searched criteria, however, Colorado does rank high in almost off of them resulting in a top 5 overall ranking. Estately looked at the population's social media, to see how often they post about the following interests.

  1. Star Trek:  The Next Generation
  2. Cosplay
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Star Wars
  5. Anime Movies
  6. Dungeons & Dragons
  7. LARPing (Live Action Role-Playing)
  8. Doctor Who
  9. Fantasy Lit
  10. Lord of the Rings
  11. Magic:  The Gathering
  12. Comic Books

Colorado ranked in the top 10 in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Cosplay, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Magic: The Gathering and Comic Book posts... We ranked in the top 20 in everything else. This doesn't come as much of a surprise, with Colorado hosting several Comic-Cons. (Denver Comic-Con / Fort Collins Comic-Con)

Beating out Colorado was Idaho, our neighbor to the north Wyoming, Alaska, and Utah coming in at number one. Utah dominated, coming in at number 1 and 2 in 8 of the 12 categories. Coming it at the bottom of the list as the least nerdy states were Alabama, Georga, New Jersey, Mississippi and Washington D.C., funny D.C. coming in last surprises me since so many people there live in a fantasy world.

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