As we grow older, it is becoming more and more clear that our health depends a little bit on the people we are and a lot on the choices we make. What we eat, whether or not we smoke or drink excessively and how much exercise we get have such major impacts on our life that just by making the right choices in those arenas, we can feasibly improve our quality of life significantly.  As science and knowledge progress, so does our awareness of other things that can have an impact on our health and quality of life.

Our environment plays a big role on our health and well being. After some


studies were conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control in 2009, the City of Fort Collins decided to establish their Healthy Sustainable Homes program which can help individuals and families to identify possible sources of toxins and other harmful pollutants in the place where we spend the majority of our time – our homes.

Mary Pat Aardrup is the Healthy Sustainable Homes Coordinator for the City of Fort Collins and she joined me to talk about the program and their need for volunteers. She intimates how we can experience adverse affects from;

…everything from household chemicals, to pesticides, to lead, radon, carbon monoxide…pets in the home, pests in the home. It’s a variety of things, ventilation, moisture and mold control. And there’s all kinds of things that individuals can do to make their homes healthier.

Enjoy this interview with Mary Pat Aardrup about the City of Fort Collins’ effort to improve citizens living conditions and their quest to find volunteers for this program.

The City of Fort Collins is looking for volunteers to help with the Healthy Sustainable Homes program, and it is a worthy cause, as their initial focus will be on alleviating adverse conditions for children who suffer from asthma.

Contact Mary Pat Aardrup to volunteer at 416 2836 or go to their website at


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