It's a role he was born to play.

Alec Baldwin has signed on to continue his role as Jack Donaghy on the NBC series "30 Rock".

In honor of Alec signing for season 7- We've assembled SEVEN of the greatest "Jack" clips from the previous five seasons!

Come on in and have some laughs!

30 Rock pic

Tina Fey must be thrilled. The actor she asked on a whim years ago to be a part of her TV show all those years ago has said "Yes" to going on for yet another year.

Alec Baldwin- the man who passed on continuing his role of "Jack Ryan" in all of those Tom Clancy movies (idiot!)- knows now that a great character does not come along all that often.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming 6th season of "30 Rock" (starting January 12th) and now even more forward to the 7th season with "Jack" on hand to help those guys! He's not just their boss, he's the dad; he's the weird uncle; he's Liz's would-be beau.

It's a great show, and Alec Baldwin as Jack Donaghy makes the show one of the best on TV.

Here are SEVEN great clips to celebrate seven years of Jack Donaghy!


The Tuxedo

I love this one, because it completely demonstrates how "above the common man" Jack thinks he is:

Jack as tracy's family

Here's Jack helping Tracy Jordan- doing whatever it takes:

Ambitious women

Sarcasm is Jack's strong suit. Speaking of clothes:

The pep talk

Even the great Jack Donaghy needs a little reaffirmation!

Fake phone call

It just cracks me up!!

Jack's unrequited love for liz lemon!

You know he wants her; you know h e needs her!

An irish potluck

I think Jack Donaghy would appreciate a great Irish potluck of "Jack" clips to round things off-


It's clear that I think Alec Baldwin makes 30 Rock a success-- What do you think?

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