25 Beers of Christmas: Michelob Ultra Pure Gold
It's the most wonderful time of the year...the time where we're celebrating one Fort Collins brewery every day in December! Welcome to the 25 Beers of Christmas.
Do you prefer a taste of the classics? Then you'll probably be a fan of today's 25 Beers of Christmas pick: Anheuser-Busch's Michelob Ultra Pure Gold, which is their first USDA organic certified beer they're producing here in Fort Collins.
According to the brewery, Pure Gold is "beer in its organic form", a "USDA certified organic light lager with a pure, refreshing taste."
Pure Gold has only 2.5 carbs and 85 calories, so you can pile your plate high with Christmas ham and drink all the brew you want. That's a pretty great tradeoff in my book.
Anheuser-Busch says that "Pure Gold is triple-filtered and brewed free of artificial colors and flavors. Inspired by nature, enjoyed in nature"...which sounds like it goes great with Fort Collins values.
Grab a six-pack at the brewery or in a liquor store near you, and tell us in the comments...who do you hope we feature next?