Halftime Show

Halftime Show Alternatives
Halftime Show Alternatives
Halftime Show Alternatives
This year's halftime show has had a variety of reactions, many of which have been negative - from Beyonce's Black Panthers controversy to Chris Martin being dubbed the "left shark" of this year's halftime show.
Your Favorite Madonna Song?- Survey of the Day
Your Favorite Madonna Song?- Survey of the Day
Your Favorite Madonna Song?- Survey of the Day
I have to admit I am not a very big Madonna fan, but it is time to get familiar with her and her music because she is featured in one of the most popular concert events this year, the Super Bowl Halftime Show. So like her or not, what is the best song she has done?
The 10 Best Super Bowl Halftime Shows [VIDEOS]
The 10 Best Super Bowl Halftime Shows [VIDEOS]
The 10 Best Super Bowl Halftime Shows [VIDEOS]
Sticking with the theme of non-football related Super Bowl events for at least one more day, today, the event that has the best chance of getting more talk than the actual game come Monday morning. The halftime show. Last years version that looked like it came straight from the year 2999 was considered one of the worst ever...