
The Unsung Female Rockstars of Taste of Fort Collins
The Unsung Female Rockstars of Taste of Fort Collins
The Unsung Female Rockstars of Taste of Fort Collins
Having worked the carnival myself (yes, it's true, and I wouldn't change it for the world,) I couldn't help but notice the showmanship of this lady.  I was taught to entertain while you're out there, whether by interacting with the crowd, grabbing a partner and doing mime tricks to mess with people, something...
Where'd You Learn That Song?!
Where'd You Learn That Song?!
Where'd You Learn That Song?!
Sometimes I worry that my foul language, and possibly other bad examples, might bleed over onto my girls.  But it seems they realize I'm not necessarily proud of those "all too human" moments, and they do a pretty good job of recognizing those things that wouldn't be good for them to emulate...
Here’s Why The Boys & Girls Club In Fort Collins Is Amazing
Here’s Why The Boys & Girls Club In Fort Collins Is Amazing
Here’s Why The Boys & Girls Club In Fort Collins Is Amazing
Because my wife and I have overlapping schedules, we have dealt with Boys and Girls Club of Larimer County now for about a year.  Impressed and grateful only begins to describe my feelings on this organization. We found out about it because my three girls, ages 8, 8, & 6, go to Olander Elementary, and that's who told us there is bussing from there to B&GC every weekday after school.  All .
Colorado Girl-isms
Colorado Girl-isms
Colorado Girl-isms
Just things that have come up in my head. This is me. I live in Colorado, eat too many microwaved burritos and burned all my bras.
Which Spice Girl May Have Peed Her Pants?
Which Spice Girl May Have Peed Her Pants?
Which Spice Girl May Have Peed Her Pants?
We all make accidents - just probably not the pee-your-pants kind (not frequently as adults, at least). Victoria Beckham (a.k.a. Posh Spice) appeared to have wet her pants at the first anniversary party she held for her store in London on Tuesday (photos can be seen here)...